Legislative Council Staff (LCS) is the nonpartisan research arm of the Colorado General Assembly. Tasked under state law with preparing a ballot information booklet (Blue Book) prior to each election for statewide issues, LCS prepared analyses for Proposition HH (Reduce Property Taxes and Retain State Revenue) and Proposition II (Retain Nicotine Tax Revenue in Excess of Blue Book Estimate) in the 2023 Blue Book. David Hansen and Elizabeth Ramey will be providing an overview of each measure and the impacts to the state. This year's Blue Book can be accessed at the following link:
David Hansen is a senior economist with Colorado Legislative Council Staff. David contributes to economic and revenue forecasts, conducts fiscal policy analysis, and research for the state legislature. Prior to this position, David worked at Development Research Partners conducting economic and fiscal impact analysis and studies for a broad range of industries analyzing economic and demographic trends. David earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Colorado State University and a master's degree in economics from the University of Colorado Denver. David is currently a DABE board member.
Dr. Elizabeth A. Ramey is principal economist and demographic analyst for the Colorado Legislative Council Staff, specializing in labor markets, agriculture, income tax, and TABOR, as well as legislative impacts on demographic disparities. Prior to joining Legislative Council Staff in 2019, Dr. Ramey was associate professor of economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY, and consultant on trade and gender for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva, Switzerland.
A copy of this presentation is available to view online: