Sports betting has grown rapidly over the past couple years. About half the states have moved to legalized sports betting, including Colorado. Jackson Brainerd and Dan Hartman will share how the industry has grown both nationwide and in Colorado, along with how it is regulated, structured, and the tax revenues it generates.
Jackson Brainerd is a Program Principal with the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Fiscal Affairs Program, which provides state legislators and staff with outreach and policy analysis on a wide range of state fiscal issues. In this capacity, he oversees state tax, economic development, and gambling policy and has
authored many publications on these subjects. He also staffs NCSL’s Task Force on State and Local Taxation and its Budgets and Revenue Standing Committee. Jackson is a graduate of Colorado College with a B.A. in Political Science.
Having worked for the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) in regulatory enforcement for over twenty-nine years, Dan Hartman brought an extensive background when joining the Colorado Division of Gaming. As Director of Gaming, he was responsible for leading the efforts to stand up the state’s Sports Betting program. Under Dan’s guidance and leadership, the Colorado Sports Betting program is considered one of the best in the nation for its regulatory framework and industry growth. Before coming to the Division of Gaming, Dan established the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division as the Division’s first director. Colorado was the first state to begin regulation of this newly legalized industry, which put him at the forefront of one of the nation’s more controversial issues. Dan was the first person to build a regulatory framework and take marijuana from its illegal environment to a legal one. Dan began his career in regulatory law enforcement in 1992; he has worked as the Director of the Colorado Division of Gaming, Director of the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division, Director of the Racing Events Division, and acting Director of the Liquor Enforcement Division.
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