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Elizabeth Garner Discusses US Census Data Release

January 19, 2022
Wednesday 12:00 PM
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Initial Census 2020 data show a rapidly changing US population not only in its characteristics but also in its geographic shifts. These data reveal critical trends impacting Colorado’s housing, labor force, economy, and service demands for the next few years and decades. This session will provide key findings from Census 2020 for the US and Colorado and discuss the short and long run implications for planners, businesses, and others to help them adapt to the challenges.

A copy of this presentation is available online at

A copy of the presenters slides can also be downloaded and are attached to this event.

Elizabeth Garner
State Demographer
State of Colorado

Elizabeth Garner is the Colorado State Demographer with the Department of Local Affairs, an agency focused on strengthening the capacity of Colorado’s communities and local governments. She leads the State Demography Office, which produces population and economic estimates and forecasts for use by state agencies and local governments. Elizabeth has over 25 years of experience analyzing population and economic trends in the state, and her current areas of research include aging in Colorado, characteristics of migration, and poverty.

Elizabeth is an economist and received her B.A. in Business at the University of San Diego, her masters in Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University. She is also a Colorado native, something only 43% of the state’s current population can claim.

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